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Hello, world! This website is still under construction.


Hi! My name is Julia, but I go by many different names on the internet. You might know me as Decadence, OriginalAndUnique or simply by RK.


Why make this page? Mostly as a hobby I guess, to brush up on HTML/CSS, and for fun. But it's a serviceable enough platform to link all my socials eventually, when I get around to it.

Also, people still have homepages nowadays, right?


This entire site is written in vim by hand. Why? Because I like it. Because it's a learning experience. And also because I believe in simplicity when it comes to HTML/CSS and webpages in general.

That being said, I'm still using a stylesheet because I'm not a total barbarian. The stylesheet itself is 90% unmodified SPCSS by Susam on github. I only made some slight tweaks here and there.

If you're interested, I also host my dotfiles on gitlab. The readme there has some additional info on my workflow & things.